Welcome to the world!
We offer congratulations to Mark Starling, one of our EDD Handlers on the recent birth of his baby daughter Zara in September – as Mark is currently adjusting to a life of four hours sleep a night, at least his dog Copper is getting a good night’s sleep! Congratulations also to our Business Development Manager – Kevin Wootton who also celebrated the birth of his bouncing (10lbs!) baby daughter, Isserley in August. It’s kev’s second child, so he’s used to the lack of sleep by now but currently compensates by drinking six cups of coffee a day (no joke)…
Welcome to the Company!
We would like to offer a warm welcome a new Business Administrator to our Office based team- Ewa Nejman who joined us a couple of weeks back and is currently mid-induction and adjusting to life in the UK security sector having worked previously in screening/vetting role within an global off-shore construction company. Ewa (pronounced ‘Ever’) has already received a bottle of champagne in thanks for helping an recruitment candidate locate all of this identification documents which he left on the roof of his car before driving off after his interview!
Thanks for the Invite…
Our thanks go out to the team at Corps Security for inviting us again to attend the CBRE Supplier Event at Old Billingsgate Market. Drug Detection Dog Handler Doug Plews and his Dogs, Mavis, Giz and Remy when down a storm – and we again came face to face with the stunning birds of prey provided by NBC Environmental. In a happy turn of events, Corps Security deservedly picked up Soft FM Services Supplier of Year on the day. Well done to the whole team there on this great accolade!
Farewell to a dear friend…
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved office dog, Ben.
Ben, our MD Daniel’s dog (pictured together above), was the inspiration behind GSS. Many visitors will recall meeting him in our offices or him being present at meetings when accompanying Daniel!
Ben was the perfect example of how a well-trained, beautifully natured German Shepherd could bring huge joy, reverse stereotypes and bring people together. Through his friendliness, good looks and presence, he facilitated so many introductions for us and allowed people to engage with a breed many have an underlying fear of.
He will always be synonymous with GSS hence us wanting to celebrate his time with us and mention his passing.
Rest in peace Big Man…