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Drone spotted near Charlie Hebdo…

Houston we have a really serious problem and it feels painfully ironic. Technology that was developed to spy upon and bomb our enemies is now being used to serve exactly the same purpose against ‘us’.

At a cost of billions, the US have designed and rolled out some ultra high-tech unmanned aerial vehicles (aka drones) to combat enemies in the Middle East. Broadly, this has been a success, obliterating thousands of enemies at a significantly lower cost and risk to our own military personnel. A great result?

Well, aside from the number of innocent people killed – collateral damage as some may refer to it – during these attacks, there is a bitter twist to this success story.

What has cost the United States billions of dollars to develop can now be purchased on the App Store for less than £199.00 by anyone looking for a toy, a new career or a bespoke vehicle to deliver an explosive device.

At the office today, we took a £350.00 drone (available online), attached a small metal bucket to its chassis – by way of two elastic bands – and filled it with whatever your imagination may desire.

The worrying fact is that no one can presently stop someone buying a drone nor can they know what they intend to do with it when they do. Thank God for the regulations that control these low budget bombers.

Wishful thinking, in reality no one knows what laws control what, not the Police, not the Home Office, not the public.

Something needs to change swiftly to prevent these fancy remote controlled ‘copters reeking serious havoc on home soil. Burying our head in the sand or procrastinating over this issue will, I fear, lead to the burials of innocent victims.

A drone has been spotted hovering over the current offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine, as the mystery of the unmanned aircraft seen over Paris in recent weeks deepened with a further 10 sightings on Tuesday night. French authorities have been flummoxed by the string of sightings of drones in France in recent weeks that have seen them illicitly fly over 17 nuclear power plants and a nuclear submarine base, as well as the Elysée Palace, the Eiffel Tower and the US embassy in Paris.…