We are delighted to announce, that following our Investors in People assessment in January 2019 – we have received confirmation that we have passed this assessment and have been re-accredited as an Investors in People company.
We would like offer heartfelt thanks and congratulations all members of our company, field based, office based and four-legged. This represents another major step forward our business and highlights the improvements we have made towards our Critical Success Factor of ‘employer of choice’.
We were assessed against IIP’s standard criteria, with 16 members of our the team interviewed across all disciplines. The report highlights three key areas of strength:
1/. Leaders trust and support people to make decisions in line with their level of responsibility and people feel empowered to make decisions and act upon them.
2/. Roles are designed to deliver organisational goals by creating clear accountability and avoid duplication of effort across teams with each role deigned with clear decision-making authority.
3/. People across the company are motivated to do a good job in line with what is required of them in a job which in turn is aligned with meeting company-wide and site-based KPI’s which in turn supports the company’s objectives.
The report contains a number of recommendations on ways to improve our score/accreditation level further, which we will be working really hard to ensure we do throughout 2019 and beyond.