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Continuing our recent surge of new business successes, we are delighted to announce that we have successfully tendered to become the national preferred supplier for another Tier 1 Facilities Management provider.

In a relationship that will see us bolster their  already considerable security footprint here in the UK, with our canine services, one of the great things to come out of our discussions during this process, are the many obvious synergies that exist between our companies respective client bases.

Commenting on the partnership, Kevin Wootton – Business Development Manager said “We are tremendously excited by the opportunity to support our new client. We will seek wherever possible to deliver the standard of service our current clients have come to expect. We also recognise the critical importance, when supporting client contracts in this way (like we do for other Tier 1 Security & FM providers),  of never forgetting we represent their brand so our operatives, both field and office based, will constantly seek to spread advocacy of their company, at every turn”.

Our client had the following to say “We too are delighted to work in partnership with GSS here in the UK. When selecting service partners we look for mutually common traits and GSS’s operational resilience, compliance and organisational structure, their established blue-chip client base and above all, passion for what they do – made selecting them a reassuringly simple proposition”.